Our Story

In the summer of 2016 Nathan and Patrick began discussing disciple making and the local church. They met weekly to discuss their burden for being and making genuine disciples. By the end of the year they decided to begin a weekly Bible study and wanted to focus on people who either did not know the Lord or had left the local church.

In January 2017 a small group of people began meeting on Sunday evenings in Patrick and Bárbara’s home. Over the course of the year the group worked through the Sermon on the Mount and the book of James. Along the way, they began praying and seeking the Lord’s will about the future of the small body of believers. By the end of the summer Patrick and Nathan believed the Lord was leading them to establish a local church and asked the group to join them in prayer while they worked through the book of James.

Upon completing the study in James, the group spent 8 weeks working through basic ecclesiology and Patrick and Nathan fleshed out how they understood the local church. At the culmination of this study Restoration Hill Community Fellowship was organized. We switched our meeting time to Sunday morning and began gathering for corporate worship on December 3, 2017, the first Sunday of Advent.

Our time working through the Sermon on the Mount and James solidified a burden for Restoration Hill to glorify God through a simple expression of church with an emphasis on proclaiming and manifesting the kingdom of God by making disciples. We believe the kingdom of God has broken into history, therefore we are called to live as citizens of the kingdom here and now. Our desire is that Restoration Hill is a fellowship where the broken and hurting will not only hear the gospel of the kingdom, but will see it lived out in community.